Grube Land – und Umwelttechnick
Bremerhaven, Germany
Input materials:
15,000 tons per annum; green waste, municipal bio-waste
Amount of MAF units ordered:
18 MAF units
mainly fresh compost for agricultural use
Current operational systems:
one production line for fresh compost, one production line for finished compost, eleven aeration units for windrow area 3631 m²
Plant status prior to installation of MAF system:
Three in-vessel rotating drums utilized for initial treatment. 1.6m high triangle windrows under roof cover for final treatment.
Previous production problems:
- Aggravated odour emissions leading to complaints from local residents and business
- Inefficient material handling leading to volume reductions and delays
- Viability of process at risk from new national legislation
- Local authority threatens withdrawal of operating permit in 2007 for failure to comply
Reasoning for conversion to MAF:
- Significant odour reduction
- Extension of operating permit beyond 2007
- Ensure future viability of process with compliance to governing regulations
- Reduce material handling and increase production volumes in a timely manner
Results and conclusions:
- Reduction of odour emissions falling well within government regulations
- Operating permit extended beyond 2007
- Significant improvements in both material handling and production volume
- In-vessel system rendered obsolete (permanently shutdown)